Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hello.  Have you missed me?  My blogging has been sporadic at best the last several months.  Life... am I right?
December for us means Christmas, Addison's birthday, Donovan's birthday, and one week into January is Isabella's birthday.  Yowzah.  Thus, the lack of blogging. And when you throw a little writer's block into the mix, you get.... nothing.
I'm hoping to change all that.  I pulled up my bootstaps yesterday, got on my new treadmill and ran.  Yes, ran.  For the first time in probably 10 years I ran a whole mile.... without stopping to have an asthma attack or drop to the ground like a blob of jelly.  I was so excited!!!  With that  small huge goal accomplished, came a newfound mind set.  I CAN do it.  I can do things I was convinced were impossible. 
This new year is going to bring about big things.  Renewed purpose and drive for the Orphan/Foster ministry.  Anti- Human Trafficking even in March.  Third year back to El Salvador.  Training at Summit 8 in Cali in May.  {California in May? Yes please!} and I'm sure God is going to keep on challenging me in new ways like he did last year.

Sooooo.  That was a really long winded way to get to my point.  I'm joining in with Jeannett at Life Rearranged in her journey to simplify life at home.  I'm thinking, if I can simplify and organize at home, then all the other things I've got going on will go much smoother.  I do realize that this should have been so obvious, but I'm a little stubborn and unmotivated sometimes.  But with 4 kids and a smokin' hot husband, sometimes the obvious solution gets lost in the shuffle.

Jeannet's on week 14, which for me, means week 1.  I ordered Tsh Oxenreider's e-book "One Bite at a Time," to help me figure out how to do this, and I'm kicking off week 1 with a new bounce in my step.  {Hopefully the treadmill will lessen the literal bounce after a few weeks}.  Tomorrow I'll be back with this week's task.  Want to join in the fun?

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