Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm Cooking Pioneer Woman Style

Last Sunday I suggested to Alex that it might be fun to try and cook all Vegan for a week.
More Silence.
"You're kidding right?"  He says.
"If you even try it, I will stop and get a burger for myself and the kids every night after work."
I just thought it would be a fun challenge.  My Goodness.  Fun.  For one week only.
So instead I went the other direction entirely and made several Pioneer Woman recipes! 
And this....

Is how Alex felt about the MM Sandwich PW Style.... Its not a  Vegan dish by any means.  And it was "kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic." {quote from Friends, and if you haven't seen it, I'm very sorry for you}

So I get everyone dished up, Alex says he will dish his own, so I go into the dining room and wait for him with the kids.  He sets down his plate and I see he has made two fantastic looking sandwiches.

And then I notice the other side of the plate. 

I think he likes PW week better than Vegan.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!!! I love the of the many reasons that we are friends.
