Saturday, February 25, 2012

El Salvador 2012

Next Sunday will mark the beginning of my return to El Salvador.  It is our first informational meeting for the July trip.  I'm continually amazed at the lengths at which God will go to, to open our eyes and prepare us for a life we hadn't planned on. 

I was raised like all American children.  Dream big, work hard, get an education and you will prosper.  You will have cars and houses and go to Disney World if you work hard enough for it!! 

Little did I know that my idea of an American dream would morph completely at the age of 27.  Back in 2010, when I went to El Salvador for the first time I was a very different person. The new dream, well I know its from God because it isn't about me. 

I dream of a world where Moms and Dads don't have to give away their children because they can't feed them.

I dream of a world where children aren't snatched off the road to then live a real live nightmare at the evil hands of Sex Traffickers.

I dream of a world where children with disabilities and health problems aren't confined to cribs for their entire {shortened} lifetimes.

Yes, I'm changed.  It is so cliche, but going on a missions trip changed my life.  I raise my children differently, I pray differently, I shop differently and I dream differently. 

These dreams may seem too big,  impossible even.  I disagree.  Because each one of us, doing a little bit, can accomplish big things.  My parents were right to teach me to dream big and work hard.

I cannot wait to return to El Salvador.  I have family there now.  I long to wrap my arms around my family that I live away from for 51 weeks of the year.  We are going to serve God side by side, and this year for the first time, with my husband by my side!!!!!!!!!

You don't have to be a short term missionary to change lives though.  You, right there at your desk, in middle America can do big things and change lives.  Through Compassion International, and the amazing work they do all over the world, you can change a life!  Please consider sponsoring a child.  It may not seem like much to you, but I promise you it is a huge gift, and dream come true to a waiting child.  

What is your dream?  Has God changed your dream?  Click the link below and see how you can make a difference.

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