Super fun Spring hats and side walk chalk masterpieces all over the driveway, steps, jeans, faces. It doesn't even matter that laundry must be done all the more, because when you are a kid, you are carefree and laugh simply because you created something amazing and then wipe your hands on your pants.
Spring means my last baby learning to walk ever so cautiously on new surfaces that he has never experienced, play outdoors and smile up at me at every fascinating new experience. Then he opens and closes his hands motioning for me to come closer as he hugs my legs and buries his head against my pants before he turns and toddles off to make his next big discovery. Oh how I am cherishing these last moments I will have as a mother to a baby.

Cute Spring outfits that make us smile uncontrollably because we are finally free of coats, boots, hats, scarves and mittens that begin to weigh on us and our spirits!

Walking and/or running to and from school instead of trudging through the snow and driving when it gets so cold that our faces want to fall off. This also means Addison doing her best to run after her big sisters whom she thinks the world revolves for. It is sad for me to watch them run out of her range and see her desperately try to keep up. So I call to the big girls, have them wait, see them encourage her on and then I wipe tears from my eyes as she gets a big hug when she catches up, just to start the whole race over again. I remember what it feels like to be the one left behind. You would think as an adult that I would be over it, but the hurt is a hundred times worse having to watch my little one try so hard and get left in the dust. This day however, nothing could bring down her joy at running free.
Backpacks hastily tossed aside after school in little girls' haste to taste freedom, fun and do as many things as they can possibly pack into one afternoon before Mommy calls them in for dinner

Learning to play hopscotch and challenging a friend to a game. This also involves cheering on your baby sister, who can only jump on two feet for now, but being proud of her anyway. Never fear Addison, you will soon learn how to hop on one foot just like your big sisters. They are the best teachers you could ask for. They love you, are patient when you are learning and they are infinitesimally excited for you when you finally figure out something that seemed so far off to Mommy just a few days before.

Spring in Ohio means that yes, there will be cold days, we will have to bring our coats back out from time to time, and yes, we still have snow in some places. But it also means the renewal of life as we watch tiny crocuses, daffodils and tulips push their way to the surface and check everyday to see if they are bigger. Thank you God for bringing us through the long Winter to much awaited Spring.
Hey, Mari! Just wanted to let you know that Anna (Burgduff) McConnell made that hat for us! We love it! And the flower/ribbon is on a hair clip that just clips to the hat, but can be removed...so Audrey's worn it a few times, too! :)