Wednesday, February 2, 2011

5 Years

February 4, 2006.
Not a fetus.  Not tissue.  Not forgotten. Not silent.
Little head.  Little hands.  Little curled up legs. Little heart.
My baby. Love.


  1. Mari - I feel your pain. Even with the blessings I now have, I don't forget my angel baby. My prayer is that my brother and my baby are spending time together in heaven, and that when I get there, I will get to hug them both. I would like to believe that your baby is hanging with them, too! Jer is probably teaching them to golf! Prayers and hugs. Love you.

  2. Funny how as mommys we remember even those little birthdays. But it is is such a comfort knowing that they are in our Father's arms. Hugs to you!!!

  3. Profound...and precious. Thanks for sharing the memory with us.
