Monday, January 31, 2011

Confession Time


is what my house looks like most Monday mornings.... I know.  But with a little coffee, and maybe a Junior Mint or two (which always makes me smile and think of my Grandma Marion, whom I ADORE) I may be able to channel a domestic diva and get this mess cleaned up.

Here's the problem, remember when I said here that I was re-doing my bedroom, after 8 years of never spending a dime on my hublover's and my room?  Well, it is well on its way.  And I never want to leave my room in the morning.  Or the afternoon.  Or the evening. 

{inspiration to finally decorate from Heather and her Life Made Lovely idea}

I'm at a new place in my life.  For eight years I have been living in Babyville.  Alex wanted one child, and I wanted, well, a lot.  So we compromised and had two.  And then two more surprises.  And while I am still longing to feel the soft rolls and hiccups of a baby moving inside of me.  To be fully consumed by the wonder and miracle of doing what I was made to do.  I realize that Alex has been more than understanding of this fertile myrtle, and I have to find a way to move into a new phase of life where there aren't pacifiers and thermal swaddling blankets. 

So I'm trying to adjust.  And my bedroom is part of that growing process. 
Its like getting a new haircut after a breakup!  It helps you move on, walk away, and gives you just a little bit of confidence with a dash of hot badassness. 
I'm never going to forget the countless hours I spent nursing and snuggling my babies in my old bed or how the sun shined through the window right into the bassinette.  Or how many nights a little warm body would {still} climb up into bed and nestles against me.  I'm still going to fall into bed every night with my man, tucking my ice-toes under his leg.  And I'm still going to wake up every morning with one or more of three three girls tucked in with me {Donovan can't get out of his crib yet}.  That's what is important.  Not that I don't have any more babies making butterfly/break-dancing moves inside me, but that I now get to grow and learn alongside my four living heartbeats. 



  1. Oh Mari, that's nothing! Haha. :) Your room peak is looking great!

  2. i love that you used redoing your room to help move you into a new place in your life. LOVE it!!!

  3. I'm telling the pastor you said "badassness".

  4. I'm kinda loving that you compared your room re-do to getting a haircut after a breakup ;) But I'm also excited to see what else you decide to do in this new phase ;)

    PS gosh I wish you lived closer, I want to hang out with you!!!

  5. Love your headboard! I believe that you have inspired me to run out to the garage and find a homeless door.
    Awesome post!
