
Friday, February 12, 2016

Start Again

When I moved to El Salvador I really thought I was going to be writing ALL the time.  I had big huge aspirations of writing beautiful words, accompanied by fabulous meaningful photos, that would make you feel all the things.....Life just doesn't quite happen like you think it might. For me, writing got pushed to the corner.  I have a lot of reasons for stopping, but a good friend I've had since the 7th grade, told me to just write. It can be scary and overwhelming, but that's not a reason to stop.

I just looked at my last post date and it was in October y'all. So it got me to thinking about this little old blog of mine.  Its gone through quite an evolution.  I started out "journaling" and keeping long distance friends and family up to date with my babies.  

Then I went through a phase of recipe blogging. Included in this was party planning ideas for families on a budget, and how to make special traditions and memories.  I am not kidding you when I tell you I have a draft sitting in my bank of writing, solely devoted to 90's music.  Boys II Men, Mariah Carey, girl bands and boys bands.

Soon after this I became involved in Adoption and Orphan advocacy.  Fundraising for friends' adoptions and starting orphan and foster care ministry at my church became a focus and I started attending seminars, holding planning meetings and going to the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit every year.  (Really going to miss going to Orlando this year!) I met so many incredible people and made great connections.  

As my writing drifted away from my family and more towards social justice, I began to creep towards a journey that would forever change me too.  An enormous life change happened and we moved to El Salvador. We worked with the local church on sharing Jesus, and community development to combat that severe poverty, gangs and lack of hope. Writing was pushed aside for a number of complicated reasons.   This brings us to today. 

As you can see, if you have stuck with me through all of that time, I've added ring, upon ring, upon ring to my tree of life. And I'm not even done yet.  God is not done with me yet.  I'm working on adding another ring, that is big and bad and scary.... and essential.

I'm really hoping to resurrect this blog, but for me that involves fear.  And insecurity. Why would people care about what I have to say?   What do I even have to say?  For a writer, its  kind of like putting a piece of art in a museum that no one stops to look at.  Then I saw this quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald on Pinterest:


And my favorite fan is my Grandpa, so I know he will continue down this path with me.  What else could I possibly need? Plus Julie says to go for it :)

So I invite you to come along,  be encouraged, learn something new, meet new people, feel new things, and as always, to Love Like Crazy.

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