
Friday, November 1, 2013

InstaFriday- and some wishes for You!

Oh what a week its been! Mine has been other worldly, so I have some wishes for you and the coming week:

May you sit with a child and read a book

May you visit days of yore if only for a few hours

May your shopping support women in developing nations....

May your week be less surreal and more normal than mine was!

May your new week involve a delicious cupcake and celebration of a new life!

May you see the world through the eyes of a child.... and then not roll yours  ;)

May your day be as swashbuckling as ours is!

May you have imagination that runs as wild as this boy.  I spy a goat, Luke Skywalker, King Leonidas, Spider Man, and a Wolf Man

May you have a friend who will rush over and take a couple of quick photos for you, so you can make a deadline... and have clothes that will go together..... and be clean.

And may you remember that there's no place like home.

p.s. I spy a new tab under the header of this little ol' blog......

life rearranged

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